Being an admin is all about being able to enforce the rules and communicate clearly with other players. While hosting and helping out with events is a fun bonus, this isn't your main job, and you are not an 'eventmin'. Please keep this in mind when you apply. Do not abuse your powers as an admin to benefit you or your friends.
The title of the post should be your username and the role you are applying for. For example: "SynthTee applying for Admin"
1. What's your BYOND CKEY?
2. What's your Discord?
3. How long have you been playing Space Station 13 for? What servers are you familiar with?
4. What's your playtime/amount of hours on the server? (Don't worry about this too much right now since the server is brand new)
5. On average, how many hours per week are you available to admin?
6. Do you have any previous experience in administrator-like roles?
7. Why do you want to be an admin?
Any additional notes: